
IT/FR/EN In parallelo all'EPATH (o quasi... il 13 e 14 aprile!) vogliamo costruire uno spazio di informazione, scambio, discussione e organizzazione sulla salute trans* tra e per persone trans*, non binarie e di genere non conforme. Chiamiamo a raccolta tutte le persone interessate a discutere insieme dei bisogni,desideri, delle sfide e delle possibili azioni politiche future per la nostra autodeterminazione nel campo della salute. Vogliamo: - Ripoliticizzare la questione dell’accesso alla salute e ai servizi legati alla « transizione » in un ottica di depatologizzazione, autodeterminazione e empoweramento - Visibilizzare/discutere i diversi piani di azione e organizzazione possibili - Formulare strategie collettive per agire a livello individuale e collettivo ciascun* sui livelli che può/vuole investire PROGRAMMA PRIMA GIORNATA || 13/04/2019 || dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 STREAM ORMONI Costo/rimborso, prescrizione/gatekeeping/depatologizzazione, quali farmaci quali effetti e quali controindicazioni? dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 STREAM SULLE ESPERIENZE DI SALUTE COMUNITARIA esperienze di pressione/dialogo/conflitto/negoziazione dal basso con le istituzioni medico-sanitarie per trasformarle e di costruzione di alternative. PROGRAMMA SECONDA GIORNATA || 14/04/2019 || Dalle 11:00 alle 13:00 STREAM SU APPROCCIO GLOBALE ALLA SALUTE La salute trans non riguarda solo la transizione. Una serie di servizi sono legati al genere sul documento e la formazione dei medici e del personale sanitario è insufficente. Dalle 15:00 alle 17:00 STREAM SU QUESTIONI LEGALI Condizioni legali di accesso alla chirurgia/depsichiatrizzazione/cambio nome sui documenti senza diagnosi né chirurgie. ***** Simultanément à l’EPATH (ou presque…le 13 et le 14 avril!), on veut construire un espace d’information, d’échange, de discussion et d’organisation sur la santé trans, par et pour les personnes trans, non binaires et non conformes dans le genre. On fait appel à toutes les personnes intéressées à venir se joindre à nous pour discuter ensemble des besoins, désirs, défis et des possibles actions politiques futures pour notre autodétermination dans le domaine de la santé. On veut : - Repoliticiser la question de l’accès à la santé et aux services liés à la « transition » dans une optique de dépathologisation, d’autodétermination et d’empowerment - Visibiliser/discuter les différents plans d’action et d’organisation possibles - Élaborer des stratégies collectives pour agir aux niveaux individuel et collectif, chacun.e par rapport aux niveaux qu’iel peut/veut investir PREMIÈRE JOURNÉE || 13/04/2019 || 14h-16h HORMONES Coûts/remboursements, dépathologisation, modèle du consentement éclairé, médicaments et contre-indications, etc. 17h-19h EXPÉRIENCES DE SANTÉ COMMUNAUTAIRE Expériences de pressions/dialogue/conflit/négociations partant de la base pour transformer les institutions medicale. DEUXIÈME JOURNÉE || 14/04/2019 || 11h-13h SANTÉ GLOBALE La santé trans a été considérée seulement en relation avec la « transition ». On exige plus (formation des médecins et du personnel de santé à l’existence des personnes trans, non binaires et non conformes dans le genre et à leurs besoins spécifiques) 15h-17h ASPECTS LÉGAUX Accès aux chirurgies, démédicalisation des procédures des changements à l’état civil, expériences positives étrangères sur le changement de prénom en dehors des parcours de transition binaire. Parallel to EPATH (almost...on the 13th and 14th of April!), we want to create a safer space to share info, discussions and experiences of trans health organising by trans/non-binary people for trans/non-binary people. This is a call for all the people who might be interested and demand access to better services, the activists and the associations to discuss together needs, desires, challenges and potential future political actions for our auto-determination in the health field. We would like to: - Politicise the question of access to health care and services - Visualise/discuss the different possible action and organising plans - Formulate collective strategies to individually and collectively act according to what anyone can/wish to invest. Between the 13th and 14th of April, we will discuss of: - Hormones (expenses, depathologization, informed consent model, pharmaceuticals and side effects etc..) - Experiences of pressure/dialogue/conflict and grassroots negotiation with the health institutions to transform them and to create alternatives and experiences of community healthcare - Legislation (access to surgery, demedicalization of the procedures to change biographical data and transformation of the latter in an administrative procedure, positive experiences abroad to change name without the request for a binary transition) - Trans health approached in a holistic way to avoid falling into the easy simplification that trans people need access to health services ONLY because of their gender/if they need to take steps to transition medically (healthcare professionals training to raise awareness and demand respect for trans/non binary people and our specific needs). The discussions will be organised in streams and the objectives across the board are knowledge sharing and the creation of spaces for our desires to transform everything, not just ourselves. PROGRAM FIRST DAY || 13/04/2019 || from 14:00 to 16:00 STREAM HORMONES Cost / refund, prescription / gatekeeping / depatologization, which drugs, what effects and which contraindications? from 17:00 to 19:00 STREAM ON HEALTH EXPERIENCES D experiences of pressure / dialogue / conflict / bottom-up negotiation with health-care institutions in other European countries to transform them, and to construct alternatives SECOND DAY PROGRAM || 14/04/2019 || From 11:00 to 13:00 STREAM ON GLOBAL HEALTH APPROACH Trans health is not just about transition. A series of services are related to gender on the document and the training of doctors and health personnel is insufficient. From 15:00 to 17:00 STREAM ON LEGAL ISSUES Legal conditions for access to surgery / depsychiatrization / change of name on documents without diagnosis or surgery.
5 years ago
Parco Delle Energie Ex Snia Via Prenestina
Via Prenestina 175, 00176 Rome, Italy